⚠️ Disclaimer 1 ⚠️ What is this post about: Is it possible to sign the resulting app? Or even deploy it to an actual iOS device? No matter how you’ve initiated it, the building itself is orchestrated by Xcode’s build system.Ĭan we replicate the building process and build the app “manually”, without Xcode’s build system? A very convenient thing for automating your processes, for example on your CI. It’s a set of tools which allows you to build Xcode projects directly from the terminal using the xcodebuild command. You may have also heard about Xcode Command Line Tools. You go to the Product menu and select Build, or you use the ⌘B keyboard shortcut. As an iOS developer, you’re certainly familiar with how to build a project using Xcode. Building an iOS App Without Xcode's Build System Ī build system, despite its scary-sounding name, is just a regular program, which knows how to build other programs.